
Inklu Game by b.ReX wins 'The Creative Länd Chällenge 2024' Competition

The Inklu Game app by b.ReX from Stuttgart has won the games category of 'The Creative Länd Chällenge 2024' competition. The exhibition at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart will showcase the award-winning works of Baden-Württemberg's creatives until 18 December.

Marcel Kleffmann05.12.2024 14:48
Inklu Game by b.ReX wins 'The Creative Länd Chällenge 2024' Competition

The twelve winners of the statewide competition 'The Creative Länd Chällenge 2024' were honoured at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart. The creative competition, organised by MFG Baden-Württemberg and supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism of Baden-Württemberg, honours creations and projects from all areas of the state's cultural and creative industries under the motto 'Share your values - Show your works'. A jury of experts selected the best works from a total of 177 entries.
