With a new studio founded in Bucharest, Amazon Games seeks to further its presence in Europe. Under the leadership of Ubisoft veteran Cristian Pana, Bucharest games will support Amazon's service games in all business phases.
Cristian Pana leads the new Amazon games studio.Amazon
With a new studio founding in Romania, Amazon seeks to further its European game development presence. Bucharest games, the new studio based in the capital of Romania, will be lead by industry veteran Cristian Pana. Pana has been part of Ubisoft for more than 20 years. During that time, he has overseen various stages of development for several popular AAA titles, including Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Driver San Francisco, Far Cry 3, Splinter Cell Blacklist, The Crew and Tom Clancy's The Division.
With a new studio founding in Romania, Amazon seeks to further its European game development presence. Bucharest games, the new studio based in the capital of Romania, will be lead by industry veteran Cristian Pana. Pana has been part of Ubisoft for more than 20 years. During that time, he has overseen various stages of development for several popular AAA titles, including Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Driver San Francisco, Far Cry 3, Splinter Cell Blacklist, The Crew and Tom Clancy's The Division.