Under the aegis of KölnBusiness, the Cologne Game Syndicate e.V. has consolidated yesterday. The first board election favored Dieter Schoeller (Headup GmbH), Stefan Schmidt (Indie Hub), Florian Köster (Critical Rabbit), Wolfgang Schmitz (Ahoiii Entertainment), Frank Obermaier (KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderung) and Thomas Rössig (former Flying Sheep Studios).
The board of the Cologne Game Syndicate, elected on 30 October 2024.Cologne Game Syndicate
As KölnBusiness had announced in August (we reported), a new business association around the Cologne games business area has been founded: Yesterday, the Cologne Game Syndicate e.V. has officially got together.
As KölnBusiness had announced in August (we reported), a new business association around the Cologne games business area has been founded: Yesterday, the Cologne Game Syndicate e.V. has officially got together.