Secret Item Games: "You Must be Able to Take a Punch"
From Indie to AAA: On a regular basis, we have a look at a studio from the German-speaking development scene. This time: Secret Item Games from Dortmund. Once a development and porting team of six people, founder Oswald Weber is now going it alone again – working hard to survive the crisis of the industry.
Founder of Secret Item Games and current one man studio Oswald Weber. Secret Item Games
Not all studio stories are feel good fairy tales, that much is certain. A lot of the studios and even people we portrait in this series on GamesMarkt have had their share of trouble, economic uncertainty or even PR scandals. These belong to the industry as much as the success stories. And sometimes, there is hope even after a perceived decline.
Not all studio stories are feel good fairy tales, that much is certain. A lot of the studios and even people we portrait in this series on GamesMarkt have had their share of trouble, economic uncertainty or even PR scandals. These belong to the industry as much as the success stories. And sometimes, there is hope even after a perceived decline.